
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday- The Favorites and not so Favorites

Let me fill you in on my Friday. My favorite parts and not so favorite parts. 

I have been so busy with school! This week was non stop. Up at 5, gym, school before class to work on my first lesson plan due Monday for my methods class, class, more homework. It's been a marathon and yesterday was no different. Me and my methods buddies all worked in the computer lab before class. Was it fun stressing over the first of 4 lesson plans? No, but it was nice to know we all feel the same. 

All of us hard at work...
Jolene and Kelsey

 Nick and I...

Hi to Jolene if she is stalking, I mean reading. ;) 

Some other good parts of Friday was the new music I have discovered. 

1. I lived - OneRepublic
2. Waiting for Superman & Start of Something Good - Daughtry
3. Whose Gonna Save Us - Gavin DeGraw 

Definitely check them out! I have been listening non stop. 

I saw this on Instagram...

Four years with Piccola Bussola! 

Now the not so favorites from my Friday. 

Blood sugar dropped on the way to work :( 

Ugh! So annoying especially when I just ate. 

The hardest thing to do for a diabetic is to be patient and wait for it to come up. Especially when you want to get going and don't want it to become an issue when you are not in the comfort of your own home. It makes me feel even more shakey and nervous!

This is me trying to be patient in the coat room at work. 

I've seemed to be running lower since I started on my new Symlin pen. Less spikes which is great! Hopefully I will figure it out and now avoid the lows. 

Enjoy your Saturday! Off to NJ for a family gathering. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Smooth Spinning

It's been a busy week so far, but I'd say a good one!! Let me get you up to date....

Tuesday 6am spin was a great start to the week. Great workout and was out to school by 8:45 to work on some assignments. 

Dinner was an exciting one as I had onion rings for the first time since being gluten free. They were awesome!!!!

This morning was a great one. It was my first time teaching my very own spin class. The alarm went off at 4:40am, but so worth it! When I got to the gym it wasn't even open yet lol.

 The spinners were so welcoming!! One woman said I was a "ten." It made my morning :) I had to take a "selfie" of this moment since it was such a big moment for me.

  I am so glad I pursued this challenge this past summer and finally doing something in the fitness field.

My morning only got better with this right after spin....

Then it was back to middle school for the day to begin my observations for the semester.

I need to do 40 hours, but hopefully I will get them out of the way and just do as many as I can. 

Off to more homework... UGH

Hoping the week continues to go as it started and my mood stays upbeat!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Yesterday was my first yoga class in I don't know how long. It was much needed! I usually go to yoga on Friday mornings, but with my new school schedule and having to leave the house by 12 for class, the 10:30-11:30 yoga class just isn't working. The nerve of whoever scheduled this class at school. Don't they know its messing with my gym schedule? 

There is my mat. No spinning yesterday since I slept in. 

Luckily the same yoga class is had on Saturdays. After sleeping in til almost 9 yesterday, it was the perfect excuse to get back to my downward facing dogs and pigeon poses. 

It felt so good to stretch and since I hadn't been in awhile, it was really challenging! I like this particular class because it is very relaxing without being too spiritual. I just can't take the real spiritual classes too seriously. 

The afternoon was a productive one. I got my online class homework done, my two math elective classes homework done.. Well almost, (History of math is not my thing) and of course bar time! 

Always nice running into nice people unexpectedly on the road too! Hi Mary Ellen :D 

Dinner and a movie with a friend was my evening. Meet Michael: 

We saw "The Spectacular Now."

Pretty interesting, I'd recommend it. Beforehand we grabbed dinner. It took me about 15 mins to decide on which salad to get but I stuck to my usual diner go-to...

          Greek with grilled chicken. 

               Dressing on the side 

Hope you all are enjoying the weekend. 

Happy Fall! I can't wait for the temps to get cooler. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

My First Spin Class

Teaching that is! Yesterday was the day (unexpectedly). My intention was to take the 9:30 class, but when there was no instructor by 9:40 it was not looking good. I was asked to jump in last minute. Luckily I had a profile prepared! 

Surprisingly I wasn't nervous getting up there riding and cueing the class. I was getting into it! Not going to lie, I felt so cool with my microphone headset. ;) 

The ride was an interval of hills and flat road with songs from Aerosmith to Christina Aguilera and Maroon 5. The class seemed to like it! Everyone was receptive afterward, yay! Now I am even more excited for my own class Wednesday morning at 5:45am. 

Other than that some other things as of lately. 

I have been perfecting my omelet making skills: 

Scrambled too! 

So fluffy and not overcooked! 

Not really sure what this new thing at Starbucks is, but I like the pink. 

Too funny not to share... 

...but hopefully not. Lol 

Back to school work. Ugh! 

I miss Aruba. 


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend included the following:

1. I got offered my own spin class at a local gym!! I am sooo excited. Wednesday mornings at 5:45am. I love the early classes and it is two minutes from my house so my spinning journey is falling into place! Stay tuned for my first class post. 

2. The pool was closed. Summer is over. 

So sad. I can't believe it is getting cooler out and summer is over. The weather this summer wasn't even that good! 

3. My favorite store "re-gramed" one of my pictures. 

4. I met Adam Schefter from ESPN at work. I had no idea who he was, but hey why not get a picture? Lol 

5. Dazies :) 

6. Thinkthin is sharing my idea. 

7. Homework 

8. I started my new Symlin pen in addition to my usual humalog and lantus injections. Hopefully after I figure out the right combo I will start seeing some positive changes. 

9. I got a cold. :( 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

School, Surprises and Highs

Since my mom asked me earlier "What, no more blog?" I figured it was time for a post. It has been a busy first week back to school, but so far so smooth. A lot has been going on!

Last Thursday was my first day of Senior year (college, eek). 

                    Adorable, I know :) 

I like all of my professors except for one. If you know me well you know who I am referring to. Hopefully I can just make the best of the semester. I am already totally confused.

The weekend was really fun as we had a surprise party for my mom's birthday! I was so glad it was a total shock and she was actually surprised. I couldn't believe when my dad almost let the cat out of the bag on the car trip in. It was a close call. 

The surprise party was at our favorite restaurant Dazies in Queens. I absolutely LOVE this restaurant. It was so nice to see everyone together to celebrate the best mom in the world. 


Sunday I slept in til almost 9am which is VERY rare for me. Being I hadn't gone to sleep until 2am after the party I guess it made sense. I was going back and forth on whether or not to work out, but I knew I would feel better after. It was nice because I finally went running outside. Nice to switch it up from the gym and it was a beautiful morning. Its so weird how outside I feel like I can keep going and going, but on the treadmill I have my limit. Seeing the same view after awhile gets so boring!

A lot of spinning on the menu this week at the gym. Tomorrow I am getting back into my 6am grind and looking forward to a spin class by an instructor who I haven't taken since last semester.

Other than that it's been homework and getting back into the school grind! The Friday class wasn't so bad, but of course I'd rather have off. Mondays are annoying too because my two classes are back to back in the afternoon. Which means bar time is not had in the comfort of my own home and interruptions are at a higher risk. I went to Starbucks before class and got a Venti iced to last me through both classes. 

I hope my blood sugars start to cooperate eventually. Again having moments where I feel I do everything right and I still go high! Ugh! Need to get them down. Adrenaline seems to really throw them off. Anytime I feel rushed/excited forget about it. 

Seriously this is so true... 

It's 8:45, almost time for bed! I am exhausted! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So Long Summer

I can't believe my summer vacation has come to an end! In a way I am ready to get back to SJC and into a routine. (Haha ask me if I feel the same in a week.) It was a great summer to say the least. I got to travel to a bunch of great places:

relax, challenge myself in ways I didn't think I could and of course, start this blog! Running my first 5k and completing the process of becoming a spinning instructor were two goals I set for myself and I accomplished both of them. 

Also turning 21 was an exciting part of the summer! I had a great birthday dinner with the best surprise being my best friend, Tanya! :)

Although not much has changed in my social habits it has been more of a mental change. I am an adult and time is only going to get faster so cherish every minute! 

I also learned a lot about myself and others this summer. Goals can be accomplished when I set my mind to them. It is important to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to succeed. 

As I enter my senior year of college and begin to feel stressed and overwhelmed (because I know I will) I will try to reflect on the goals I accomplished this summer. If I ran to the finish line, spun til I had nothing left, surely I can get through what is going to be the most important year of my college career. Forty hours of observations to complete for my methods classes in the fall, lesson plans, math courses and in the spring...student teaching. In addition, trying to manage my blood sugars as best I can and keeping exercise as a priority even if it means early morning wake ups. I will look at this upcoming school year as a spin class. In the beginning I never know exactly what the class will bring, I have an idea that it will include some flat roads, hills and jumps... but I don't know the exact combination. How long are the hills? Are the jumps double time? Is there a sprint at the end of the ride? I have an idea of what senior year will entail, but I don't know exactly what it will be like or how things will turn out.

Although this summer included many ups, there were also a few downs. I learned that although I am big on being honest, most people aren't. There were disappointments, a few good cries and frustrations. However I always picked myself back up and didn't look back. (With the help of a good GREAT Mom). :) Why is it that people can appear great on the surface, but can so easily disappoint you? I guess I will never know, but it has taught me to never get too ahead of myself and always keep focused on what is truly important in life. 

Tomorrow is the beginning of the end of a great chapter in my life. As quick as Senior year came I know it will pass just as quick. In a year I will be in the "real world" with a "real job" (hopefully). Overall my schedule is pretty good. Except for the fact that for the first time in college I  got stuck with a Friday class. :( This will be my feeling every Thursday night... 

        At least I am off Wednesdays! 

But "for reals" thanks to those who have read my blog this summer. It meant so much when I had people tell me "I read your blog and..." Although it wasn't a lot, the few times I heard that made me smile. It's been sort of like therapy for me and hopefully it has educated readers the way I intended it to. 


Monday, September 2, 2013

Aruba Photo Diary

Hey Hey Hey! It's been awhile. I cannot believe Aruba has come and gone and summer is coming to an end. It was a fabulous 12 days at my home away from home and extremely hard to leave. See for yourself...

2:15 am is an early call, but it's Aruba.. Anytime is a good time to go

The good thing about a 7am flight is that we arrived at the Hyatt just in time for lunch! I always get the Cobb Salad the first day...

Beautiful views on our first day...

My towel line days got me up and at the gym early! It wasn't so bad, it was a good group and there is something so peaceful about having bar time, and enjoying my surroundings! Here is a shot of the line... 

Twice someone interrupted me while I was eating my bar.. It could have gotten very ugly. 

Of course some gym shots..

Nothing like Starbucks in my favorite 
spot !

Big girl bar time!

Paddle boarding was fun and burned some extra calories...

The snorkeling trip was a blast too! Snorkeling, waterslide, rope swinging..

Aruba would not be complete without a night at SeƱor Frogs! Thanks to my cousin Mimi for the treat! 

My friend Jose joined us too!

I finally made it to the Divi Divi trees where Aruba tourism does a lot of their advertisement. Mimi was a great photographer. 

These views! Can't get enough! 

I took some really nice walks. So tranquil.. Check out my "selfie" lol

I tried this appetizer for the first time. The Keshi Yena. It's an Aruban dish my brother gets all of the time.. Pretty good! 

Family pic...

The Aruban people are so friendly...

Richard Elliott, the assistant GM of the Hyatt is always so welcoming! 


I am already looking forward to the next visit! Miss my Aruba family!! 

Until next time...