
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Round 1

One of my favorite days of the year have come and gone. Thanksgiving round 1! Overall it went well, except for a few blood sugar issues. :( Just a typical day for a T1D. 

I made sure to get to the gym early for an exceptionally good workout. Spin class followed by 20 mins on the treadmill, some abs and plyometric moves to give my heart rate one last spike. I'd say it was pretty successful. 

Off to Bare Naked Bakery to pick up some last minute goodies. The block and a half walk to the bakery from my parking spot did me some good! 

At 3 everyone started to arrive! So many appetizers. Yikes! 

Bummer for me was my blood began to drop just as these went out. So I overdid it a little and then was high by dinner. 
In the past I have had an issue with covering too much for all of the goods then dropping very quickly right after dinner. This would cause me to just eat and eat because of my fear of going too low. Then hours later... BAM hello 300 and something. 

Lets just say A LOT of testing was done yesterday. I have to get through my head that this does not happen everyday so I should not beat myself up about it. I was glad I was able to wake up at a reasonable number (172) considering all of the goodies. I was able to have another great workout. I even got through the spin class I covered today which I was nervous of taking on because I was foreshadowing and preparing for any "issues."  

Check out some more pics from last night...

It even began snowing! I am so excited I love this time of the year. :) 

Anyway it is back to my unit for methods. Almost there... So tedious! 
Hope you are keeping warm. A week ago we were in what felt like spring, and now we are in the dead of winter. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Catching Up -As of Lately

It's been a little while. Lots going on as I approach the end of the semester and the start of my favorite holiday season! So this is going to be a quick one.

As of lately...

I have been working on so many assignments for my methods course. My biggest assignment is due by Tuesday at 5:30am (hey every last hour counts) so that has been my main focus. It is coming along though. Hopefully I will have it all done by class on Monday. I have to create a math unit which consists of 5 lesson plans (which are very detailed), 2 quizzes, a test and an alternative assessment. In addition, answer keys and rubrics to go along... ahhh!

I was also really happy with how my lesson went that I taught last Friday. Here are the notes I wrote to myself just before presenting... I am going to keep these motivational sayings going from now on.

Blood sugars seem to be back on track which is always a good thing...but now experiencing a few more lows... ugh! Last week I felt like I was struggling to stay below 150. Now I feel like I haven't even been close to there! Frustrating because I am doing the SAME EXACT THINGS as last week when I was seeing some unfriendly numbers.

Spin classes have been going well! Getting a lot of positive feedback which makes me feel really good!

I entered another 5k for the weekend after Thanksgiving!

I am soooo excited for my family's annual "Pre-Thanksgiving Celebration" this Saturday... Bring on the food! (And the insulin)

Next week mom and I are seeing the Radio City Show... I have always dreamed of being a Rockette! I really do regret giving up tap when I was younger. (Tanya lets get on those adult tap classes)

Finally, make sure to look for me as THE ELF on the Santa float in the Macy's Parade next Thursday! I will be holding the reigns. :)

Also yesterday I got a manicure and loving this new color from essie. Check out shearling darling. 

Can you believe it's the holidays already?! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday In Pictures

Before breakfast, yay! 

Got fingerprinted for NYS teacher certification. 

After breakfast :( 


Starbucks was a winter wonderland. Perfect for the Christmas Blend. 

Another presentation down ( no picture ) 

Afterwards though I loved driving home to the newly added station. 

A great salad for dinner! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Veterans Day

After a crazy week last week which in addition to being sick unfortunately included a death in the family things seemed to get back to schedule yesterday which was Veteran's Day.

It was my second day back to the gym after taking 3 days off. It felt extremely nice waking up at 7:15 as opposed to 5am. It was a strong workout and I am feeling it today... love the burn!

I headed out to school early to attend the Veteran's Day celebration my school has every year. Yes I went because it counted as an extra credit opportunity for one of my classes, but I really do enjoy it. It is very humbling to see all of the Vets that are involved in the SJC community.

I didn't stick around for the refreshments afterward because I wanted to grab coffee before heading to class for the afternoon to have with my bar. (Yes I settled for the cafeteria coffee and not Starbucks). Apparently I missed out because look what my friends Jolene and Kara picked up for me!

Hooray SJC! :) I took the salad home and had it with dinner and it was very good.

I also thought a lot about my grandfather who was a WWII vet. Boy do I miss him!

It was a nice transition into the week and overall good for a Monday. Now just trying to get those blood sugars back on track. Ugh going through a rough week. Not fun, but trying to deal... oh well!

Before I sign off, just wanted to give a special shout out to my cousins Mimi, Linda and Bobby... <3 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2013 JDRF Walk

This past Sunday I took part in my first JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes. It was a great morning and perfect weather for a walk! (A little chilly, but I don't mind the fall temps!) 

Team Kim met at Bethpage Ballpark an hour before the start time at 9:30. Luckily we had an extra hour of sleep the night before.

I was so surprised when my best friend Tanya picked me up and presented me with a homemade shirt! She is so crafty.

Team Kim members included my best friend Tanya and her bf JT, mom and our good family friend Linda aka Lindaloo and friends from the restaurant I work at Mary Ellen and Margaret! I felt so loved.

The walk was 3.1 miles, just like the 5k I did a week prior... but this was by far the most difficult workout I have ever had! I am used to running 3.1 miles and being done rather quickly. Walking is a whole other story. It just kept going and going.

Finally we got to the half way mark when I thought we were almost done... 


Then of course, blood sugar starts to drop!

The last quarter of a mile is when I and a bunch of other T1's began to lose it. It was comforting to see so many others doing what I do all the time.

Tanya, JT and I hailed down a golf cart... the low blood sugar patrol (lol). I guess this is just another example of the unpredictability. I have gotten through multiple hour long workouts that felt a lot more strenuous, but a little Sunday stroll through me for a loop.

Oh well, it felt good to be there for the cause and have the support of some great people! :) Thank you again for all of the generous donations and support. In only a week Team Kim raised $560. Next year I will know what to expect and hopefully will raise even more and get through the whole walk.