Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bar Time...Protein Bar That Is!

Yay for another summer like day! Since yesterday wasn't that exciting, (here see for yourself...)

(my mom likes picking out flowers wayyyy more than me)

 I am going to share my absolute FAVORITE snack. Have you guessed? Yes! My favorite protein bar (aka "bar time").

I have one of these (sometimes two) every single day. Usually between 3pm&4pm is "bar time." My quiet time where I can enjoy (and when I say enjoy I mean seriously enjoy..I tune everything else out!) my snack and my iced coffee (Starbucks, of course). The Creamy Peanut Butter makes a good combo with the iced coffee. My other favorite flavor is the Chocolate Brownie Crunch.
That goes with my hot coffee. I know this sounds really weird, but I am a little weird so when you think about it I guess it makes sense. The reason I like these so much is because they taste like candy bars. They do not leave that weird after taste that a lot of other protein bars I have tried usually do. Another plus is that they do not spike my blood sugar and of course they are gluten free! What more could I ask for?!

So if you are looking for something to try I HIGHLY recommend! With 230 calories and about 23g of carbs it is the perfect thing to hold me over until dinner. I treat these babies as if they were actual babies lol. I start to get anxiety if they aren't handled with TLC when checking out at the register or I happened to get stopped going through security at the airport since I travel with a large Tupperware filled with them. Stay tuned for a future post about what comes with Kim on vacation...not just clothes. :)
Speaking of vacation, 4 more days until Mom and I jet off to St. Thomas!!!!! I am so excited for this...
Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!
What is your favorite snack?
Do you have anything coming up that you are looking forward to?
I would love to hear so comment below! :)  


  1. I didn't know you were going to St. Thomas that's so fun! My favorite snack would be crackers with dip. They're so addicting for me, I could eat the whole bag in one sitting.

    1. I can't wait! You leave for Mexico soon right?? Have fun :) That is like me with tortilla chips.. so addicting!

  2. My bars are Zone perfect- chocolate mint, chocolate caramel, chocolate peanut butter- yum. I am a big fan. sadly, they are not gluten free.

    My worst addiction- good n- plenty, and any other black licorice!

    1. If I tried any other protein bar I would probably feel like I am cheating anyway lol.
      I was never really a candy person, my biggest downfalls are baked goods (mainly chocolate chip cookies) and cheese. I LOVEEE cheese. My excuse for eating excessive amounts at parties or out to dinner is that it is carb free ;)
