Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So Long Summer

I can't believe my summer vacation has come to an end! In a way I am ready to get back to SJC and into a routine. (Haha ask me if I feel the same in a week.) It was a great summer to say the least. I got to travel to a bunch of great places:

relax, challenge myself in ways I didn't think I could and of course, start this blog! Running my first 5k and completing the process of becoming a spinning instructor were two goals I set for myself and I accomplished both of them. 

Also turning 21 was an exciting part of the summer! I had a great birthday dinner with the best surprise being my best friend, Tanya! :)

Although not much has changed in my social habits it has been more of a mental change. I am an adult and time is only going to get faster so cherish every minute! 

I also learned a lot about myself and others this summer. Goals can be accomplished when I set my mind to them. It is important to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to succeed. 

As I enter my senior year of college and begin to feel stressed and overwhelmed (because I know I will) I will try to reflect on the goals I accomplished this summer. If I ran to the finish line, spun til I had nothing left, surely I can get through what is going to be the most important year of my college career. Forty hours of observations to complete for my methods classes in the fall, lesson plans, math courses and in the spring...student teaching. In addition, trying to manage my blood sugars as best I can and keeping exercise as a priority even if it means early morning wake ups. I will look at this upcoming school year as a spin class. In the beginning I never know exactly what the class will bring, I have an idea that it will include some flat roads, hills and jumps... but I don't know the exact combination. How long are the hills? Are the jumps double time? Is there a sprint at the end of the ride? I have an idea of what senior year will entail, but I don't know exactly what it will be like or how things will turn out.

Although this summer included many ups, there were also a few downs. I learned that although I am big on being honest, most people aren't. There were disappointments, a few good cries and frustrations. However I always picked myself back up and didn't look back. (With the help of a good GREAT Mom). :) Why is it that people can appear great on the surface, but can so easily disappoint you? I guess I will never know, but it has taught me to never get too ahead of myself and always keep focused on what is truly important in life. 

Tomorrow is the beginning of the end of a great chapter in my life. As quick as Senior year came I know it will pass just as quick. In a year I will be in the "real world" with a "real job" (hopefully). Overall my schedule is pretty good. Except for the fact that for the first time in college I  got stuck with a Friday class. :( This will be my feeling every Thursday night... 

        At least I am off Wednesdays! 

But "for reals" thanks to those who have read my blog this summer. It meant so much when I had people tell me "I read your blog and..." Although it wasn't a lot, the few times I heard that made me smile. It's been sort of like therapy for me and hopefully it has educated readers the way I intended it to. 


1 comment:

  1. Good luck at back to school, especially during math seminar ahhhh. That class was zero fun haha, make sure you pick a good group!
