Thursday, October 3, 2013

Breaking News

Today something really exciting happened. My FAVORITE brand of protein bars started following me on Twitter. Those of you that know me well know that I am obsessed with thinkThin products. Refer back to one of my first posts if you forgot.

I could not believe when I got the notification.

We even exchanged a few tweets. I felt so loved :)

Seriously if they wanted me to go around and tell everyone how great their bars are I think I would do a pretty good job. 

Last night before they officially started following me they sent out this tweet. I mean come in this HAD to be directed towards me. 

Of course I retweeted. 

I bet your day wasn't as exciting as mine, but if it was I'd love to hear! 


  1. It's always exciting when that happens, isn't it?! :)

  2. You are Think Thin famous!!
