
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Workout Wednesday - Snow Day Edition

Happy Snow Day!

So student teaching will begin tomorrow... an extra day off I am not complaining! Also I was glad I could stay up for the premiere of one of my guilty pleasures Teen Mom 2. 10pm is a little past my bedtime, but I was able to sleep in today so I decided to live a little dangerously. 

My original idea was that my workout would have to be done at home today assuming that I was going to be snowed in. To my surprise that was not the case and I was able to make it safely to the very empty gym!

A little later than usual, but better late than never. Too bad I didn't make it in time for 930 spin where I would have been 1 of 2 people in the whole class, oh well!

Had a nice treadmill session next to my other spin instructor friend Erin!

Just did a bunch of random things... different paces, incline walks, sprints. Anything that kept me challenged.

My at home workout was going to be something I found on Pinterest. So since I got my cardio in I just did the circuits listed and my own ab exercises. 

I have a feeling I will be relying a lot on Pinterest over the next couple of months during student teaching for workout ideas! Especially because I plan on working out at home during the week more so I can still get my AM workouts in. It will take out the travel time to and from the gym and hopefully I will not have to set the alarm earlier than 5am.

Anyway tomorrow is the big day! I have my outfit ready and hopefully it will be a good day.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mixed Emotions

Today is my last day of winter break. Tomorrow is a big day, my first day of student teaching! (Unless it is a snow day which is looking quite possible).

A lot of thoughts and emotions going through my head. It is hard to grasp that I am entering my LAST semester of college. Student teaching is leaving me feeling overwhelmed, excited and nervous. Luckily I have been placed with two of my former teachers. I will begin tomorrow in the middle school where I will be working with 8th graders. I feel like it was last week that I was sitting in those desks!

When I stop and realize how quickly time goes I will try and remember when I am on the verge of a breakdown during student teaching that I will make it to May! There is a lot to do during this next chapter. Lesson plans, homework's, creating tests and quizzes... in addition, trying to figure out and understand all of the teacher certification requirements, workshops and tests that I need to complete. Not to mention getting through my math thesis and other online class that I have during this semester... yikes!

I think if I take it week by week I can see what is working and what is not and make necessary adjustments. I just hope that once I begin, my routine falls into place. My main concern is getting my morning workouts in! And bar time! LOL

              ( Be calm... Yeah ok! ) 

But seriously, any change is difficult but T1D adds to that stress about 10x more. To an outsider it may appear crazy to stress over eating and working out, but keeping a regimented eating and exercise schedule is very important. So trying to adjust to changes is even more overwhelming. Hopefully once I begin I will realize that it isn't ALL THAT BAD and I have some fun during this process and feel ready for "the real world" once it is over on May 2.

I guess organization and time management will be key. This weekend I plan on getting a huge binder to organize and keep all of my "stuff" in and marking up my planner with important dates and lesson topics!

Talk to you all soon where I will hopefully be sharing my positive experience on my first day! Whether it be tomorrow or Thursday. :)


Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekend Workouts

This weekend I got back to my normal workout routine and it felt great. Don't get me wrong, I love going away, but I also love working out. It's all about the balance.

Saturday I covered a spin class and it was packed! It really motivates me when I get good feedback from the spinners. Here was the playlist.

Jumps and hills!! I was dripping.

*side note* blood sugar after was 258.... Thank you adrenaline. And that's nothing compared to some other times! 

After I made my way to my other gym for some weight training and yoga. Remember back to my resolutions? More yoga, I am trying! It was really tough I was feeling it! I definitely needed it. 

Sunday I made it to the gym in time for the 9am spin class by Erin! I have a "no alarm setting rule" on the weekends (unless I am going away) so usually 9 on a Sunday is cutting it close. It was a great class I am happy I made it! Great music too.

After class it was abs abs abs! My least favorite area to concentrate on but I make sure to do some form of core work everyday. 

I was trying to make up for all of the eating I did in Florida so I hit the stair climber for a little extra cardio. This machine is a lot of fun (if you want to call it that) to play around with. I did some fast intervals then slowed it down for glute kickbacks. I am always nervous I will fall off since it is so high up.

This morning was another spin class (teaching). Only down side was the microphone failed to work so I was coaching with my own voice over the music. I think I did a good job though. 

*side note* blood sugar 136 after class. Yay! But makes no sense when I did the same exact thing as Saturdays class. 


Some other weekend news, I now am running my works social media pages!! So exciting a promotion! 

Had a great ladies dinner at one of my favorite places Saturday night. Good food, people and conversation!  

Winter vacation is coming to a close. Starting the next chapter on Wednesday! Yikes! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Flying Solo

Well sort of! After a slight delay to yesterday's flight home from Florida I was pleasantly surprised to find myself flying home with the row all to myself. Mom too!

Much different story than the person sitting next to me on the flight down.

As you can see I was all set for the flight with my Starbucks (for my sake and everyone else on the plane). It waited awhile before it was enjoyed because I was waiting to have bar time on the plane. I wish airlines would cave and serve Starbucks or I could have it delivered just before take off! Haha :)

Another sighting in the airport....

Good to know, but I always travel fully stocked.

A little bumpy on the way home, but overall a good flight. (Well any flight that lands safely to me is a good flight), but seeing news that a plane made an emergency landing at Newark due to severe turbulence was not comforting to see just after take off!

I don't know what it is about flying, but it never fails. Blood sugar is always high. Maybe flying anxiety? Wondering if I will be interrupted during bar time? I will never figure it out. All I know is I am tired of it completely. I do not mind keeping on top of it, but what upsets me is that I do keep on top of it and I do not get the results I hope for. Just really frustrating and I very easily beat myself up about it. However I need to remember back to resolution number one.

It feels good to be home and back to my routine. I missed my own gym and fitness classes. I have not been to spin since last year and I am looking forward to teaching tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Shula's Experience

I am writing this to you still feeling stuffed. That is what a good dinner at Shula's Steakhouse in Naples will do to you.

In preparation for the feast I knew I would be indulging in I made sure to eat light all day leading up to it. I have been doing pretty well during my time in Naples so my trip to Shula's was definitely going to be my splurge night.

I always stick to my usual choices... Wedge Salad and Surf & Turf.

Oh so good!

They even do a whole presentation of the meats they have and the "Shula Cut" but being professional eaters we skipped right over that. After all I was hungry and had been waiting for this moment.

Wedge Salad...

Love the presentation! 

Surf & Turf

Baked potato, mushrooms and spinach were just a few of the sides making their way around the table. 

To top it off they serve Starbucks Coffee. 

They even have what's called the 48oz club. Very prestigious group of people who get their own t shirt and name plaque posted in the restaurant. No doubt I could become a member, but ill stick to my favorites. 

You know I am enjoying myself when I have TWO glasses of wine. 

Another great night! Cousin Tom even got breakfast out of it with his leftovers. I should have snapped a picture of his specialty chocolate dessert that needs extra preparation.

Next time I guess! 

Workouts were stepped up a bit around this very hearty meal. It's protein though right? 

Monday, January 13, 2014

You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

Despite some not so happy moments the past few days which I will not go into unless I know I'd be as successful as Taylor Swift, I thought I would share some things that have made me smile instead.

I did it! I got off of the treadmill one day and went running outside. Luckily no alligators. 


Ever happen to you? 

Thinkthin even retweeted this.. 

Again, never enough cheese.

Lately, yes! 

Yay! Pretty steady all day. 

Off to dinner at Shulas Steakhouse one of my favorite restaurants in Naples. Stay tuned to hear all about it tomorrow. It will be a good one I can assure you. 

Friday, January 10, 2014


Yesterday I wished you all a very delayed Happy New Year. So today I figured it would be appropriate to share some of my Resolutions/Things to Do for 2014. Better late than never, right?

Some are inspired from an article I found just before NYE which I encourage you all to check out. "25 New Years Resolutions Everyone Should Make."

1. Stop beating myself up about T1D. Things that are in my control I do well like eating right and exercising. I will NOT let a number or endo visit put me down.

2. Continue to speak up for myself. I feel I really got better with this last year and will only let it continue. Remember the truth can be said as long as you do it respectfully. Sometimes it is not what you say but how you say it.

3. Go to yoga more.

4. Fly a kite and ride a carousel. After seeing "Saving Mr. Banks" this week I want to make sure I check these two simple, but memory making tasks and really appreciate them.

5. If I see something/someone I am interested in... do what is necessary to find out more. Ex: smile, introduce myself, google it. (I will say though I have done this in the past ;) )

6. Not live too far in the future and stress about things that do not deserve energy...yet. Especially with student teaching. It will be overwhelming at first, but what is the worst thing that will happen?

7. Run more outside. I think what has prevented me from doing this is not being able to have any low blood sugar supplies easily accessible. I always resort to the treadmill because I know if I need to stop, my "stuff" is easy to get to. I really do not want to run with a backpack.

8. Stop and smell the roses. Not literally because I do not want to look strange, but symbolically. Look at the big picture, take note of who and what is important in life and rid myself of those/things that are not important.

9. Stop putting too much faith in people before they deserve it. 

10. Continue to challenge myself in all areas. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 So Far

Happy New Year! (A little late, I know) I haven't forgotten you all, 2014 has been off to a lazy start (not that I am complaining). Seriously, sleeping in everyday past 8:30 what is going on?! 

After a very fun time ringing New Years Eve in one of the best places in the world...

I luckily made it out of cold, wintery New York just in time to escape all of the snow and below freezing temps!

 Florida has had its fair share of "cold" while I have been down so my tan is not quite there yet, but this weekend should hopefully be back to normal.

A few things that I snapped so far in the new year...
Being away is no excuse to slack off on workouts. I try to keep up to my normal routine as best I can despite the smaller gym which acts as a social gathering place for many of its older members.

Nothing like a good salad(s).

Or some R&R by the pool.

Smart girl.

It all makes sense now.


I hope to do some running outside while I am here! 

Song of the day. My mantra for 2014. 

Roar - Katy Perry