
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Struggle Is Real

Rant of the day: Why is it so much work to be a female?

Nails, hair, other grooming that needs to be done. I know these things are not "necessities" but lets be real here - if you want to be the best version of yourself (especially on a first date) these expenses definitely help. If you are in the forever dating world (like myself) they add up pretty quickly. With another "outing" coming up for me this weekend I of course made sure to get these appointments on my calendar.

Then I wondered, is the other party going through all of this effort and expense? Don't get my wrong, I enjoy having freshly manicured nails and a fresh blowout - what girl doesn't? But why is it so much more effort for females? These guys today (not many) will maybe go get  a hair cut day of. $9 - maybe $12 with a shave + tip and they are good to go. For us females that will maybe get us our hair wash and a partially blow dried head.

Then, what gets me is that the majority of the time all of this prep isn't even worth it! Like its one sided! Do people not care about making a first impression? Sometimes I feel when first meeting someone I might as well have just strolled over in my gym clothes straight from SoulCycle. Its true! One time someone met me for the first time after a track meet! 

I really do not know where I am going with this rant, but I'm sure the ladies out there can relate. Its like forget about just going for a spontaneous manicure or blowout when you feel like it, because you try and save it for when you need to "make an impression." Well regardless of my rant I am still going to the appointments I made - LOL. Who knows - maybe it will be worth it for once.

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