Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sayonara Sausage

This holiday weekend always calls for a lot of BBQ food. Hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, etc. Although I LOVE everything on the above list and then some, I have been making sure to step it up in the gym. Here is a recap of my workouts to help me say Sayonara to all of that BBQ.

Thursday (July 4th): Usually I take two classes on Thursdays as mentioned here, but I decided to just do the first class as I felt like I had no energy after it. This class is called Step Interval and using the step on one set of risers we do a non-stop hour of cardio. Step, kick-boxing and favorite are the plyometric jumps! (Thank you skating). I like this class not only because of the instructor, but because it sends your heart rate up, down and all around. Perfect for blasting away calories.

After class I did about 10 minutes of core work followed by some stretching.

Friday (July 5th): With all of the fun mentioned in my July 4th post I know I needed to get to the gym on Friday. I did a 30 minute treadmill interval workout followed by a circuit drill I found off of pinterest. 

*Note- I only ran through this circuit once. 

I do not use pinterest a lot, but there are some great workouts on there! I love resorting to them when I am getting a little bored with my usual workouts. I could tell it was working because I was DRIPPING. So much that there was a puddle around me (oops). Don't worry I cleaned it up! :D  I am naturally a sweater, but I can tell the difference when I mix up my workouts.

After, I went to yoga. Every Friday I try to make it to the Yoga class offered at my gym. I like this particular class because of the stretching and it is more of a fitness style yoga rather than a spiritual one. I just can't take myself seriously in the "I'm floating on a cloud" style yoga.

Saturday (July 6th): Time for some Spinning!! My gym rearranged some of the classes for the holiday weekend, so there was only 1 spin class to attend. Such a bummer. However, the instructor Joanne did a great "Super Spin" and made it an hour class instead of 45mins. Great music and a challenging ride! There was even a hill to MJ's "The Way You Make Me Feel." Reminded me of Erin's class from last Monday!

Sunday (July 7th): I was thinking about taking off, but I was feeling too motivated and after celebrating my brothers birthday the night before I knew it was the right thing. I had a glass of wine AND dessert. So unlike me.

My goal of the workout was weight training. Beforehand I did 25 minutes of intervals on the treadmill. 5 min warm up jog, 2mins of walking on an incline of 14 and 3.8mph, 2mins of sprinting at 8.5. Cool down was walking for about 3mins.

I worked abs, legs then arms.
Abs: I am so random with abs. Let's just say I do a lot of different forms of crunches and moves to target all parts of the core.

Legs: 15 squats (15lb weights in each hand)
          15 Lunges (each leg- 15lb weights in each hand overhead)
          20 Sumo Squats (holding 15lb weight at chest)
          Repeat 3x.

Arms: 12 forward arm extension (knuckles facing out) 10lbs each hand
           12 side extensions - 10lbs each hand
           12 bicep curls - 10lbs each hand
           Repeat 3x.
Ended with a good stretch and I called it a day.

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