Thursday, August 1, 2013

Making It Happen

Happy Thursday! Or "Thirsty Thursday" as people call it... Water right? ;) LOL

Time is just flying by I cannot believe it is August 1. That means Aruba is right around the corner!! So I am really trying to get ready for that and work it at the gym. 

Tuesday was a busy day as my mom and I were heading into NYC on a 10:04 am train to meet my good friend Nicole, her sister Joanna and mom Martha for lunch. Nicole and I met at 3 years old during our dance days in Staten Island. We always try and get together during our winter and summer breaks. 

In order to get a workout in it meant setting the alarm for 5:45 and getting in and out of the gym for a quick yet efficient workout. That means interval training! I resorted to treadmill intervals for 25 mins and one of my Pinterest Tabata workouts. 

I ran through this 3x and called it a morning. Quick, but just as sweaty. 

I was proud I didn't make catching the train an excuse to not workout. I knew my lunch would be a little splurge so I wanted to go the extra step. 

We all met at The Counter in Times Square. Remember the one from Naples? So good! 

It was great catching up. Nicole has a blog too so it is fun to keep tabs on each other and discuss everything from our old dance days to our love for Lauren Conrad and The Hills. :) 

We parted ways and mom and I walked down to Macy's. I was glad to get some extra walking in, every little but helps! 

                   I can't wait! 

After about 2 hours we called it a day and caught the 3:27. Luckily, for my sake and the rest of the train, Penn Station has a Starbucks which meant it was perfect for bar time. :) 

As you can see, it is all about making it happen. Workouts, friendships, etc... Anything that is important to you means sometimes taking the extra step. 


  1. I really want to visit Santa this year. Every year I say I am going to and never do. Troy and I went to Macy's last year and it was so crowded we left. Is it weird if we still go when we're old haha? I love watching him on the parade.

    1. You definitely have to! The Macys Santa is the only Santa :) It is definitely not weird :)
