
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aruba Goals

In 48 hours I will be sitting under the sun on Palm Beach, Aruba. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I look forward to Aruba all year so it is crazy to think that it is here again. With that said I have a few goals for this vacation and by writing about them hopefully I will stick to them.

1. Enjoy myself with some self control. For the most part I am a healthy eater, but as we all know I do like to eat. With all of the great food and tropical drinks I want to be able to get my fix, but I don't want to go crazy either and then feel guilty for going overboard. It is difficult when each day begins with the best buffet breakfast in the world! What I need to do is remind myself that it is not going to be the last time that will I see all of these great things. With that said here are some things I am going to do so I do not go overboard:

  • Make ONE and only ONE trip to the buffet for breakfast and make wise choices. I don't need bacon and sausage everyday I am there. I will take advantage and enjoy the healthier choices available.
  • Switch up lunch. I usually stick to salads, but this year I am going to rotate. Salads, fruit smoothies and frozen yogurt. There is a juice bar at the hotel and it is actually healthy! Not like jamba juice or tropical smoothie or anything. They are normal sizes and very filling. The drinks all have the cutest names. My favorites include the Berry Blast, Bernardo's Blend and Nube's Nirvana. By having a small frozen yogurt I will probably wind up consuming less calories than the huge salads. This will allow me to get all different goodies in and not feel deprived.
  • Obviously Bar Time will remain in tact. So happy the Hyatt serves Starbucks. :)
  • Dinner I will work harder on eating slower and really enjoying my time in Aruba, the ambiance and the company. I have come a long way with saying no to dessert all of the time so I don't think that will be an issue. I am definitely going to treat myself, but like I said, with self control.
  • Fortunately for me I am not a big drinker so this isn't an issue for me. It is nice to have a glass of wine with dinner and the Caribbean wouldn't be the same without pina coladas, banana daiquiris and of course aruba aribas. These will all definitely be worked into my vacation!
2. Not stress over blood sugars. Unfortunately there are no vacations from T1D. As much as I would like to take my "2 weeks" vacation, I know that is just not possible. I will obviously stay on top of it and be diligent like always, but I am not going to stress. I have everything I need to battle and after the first few days I will adjust to how the new environment and food will affect me.

3. Not go to the gym everyday. I have been asked so many times... "Why do you workout on vacation?!" The answer is because I enjoy to. Vacations are meant for things you there is your answer. However I am not going to force myself into a regimented schedule. If I want to skip a day inside the gym, I will! Instead I will go for a walk on the beach. To make my gym time the most effective I have saved a bunch of my circuit workouts that I will use. Tabata will be my best friend over these 12 days! My nutritionist, Barbie gave me some great advice. She said if you are feeling like you are eating a little more, then move a little more. Taking the steps, walking the beaches and walking around after dinner are all ways to do this.

4. RELAX!!!  I know I just made a list of goals and it may sound contradicting to "relax" and reach goals, but it will help me to appreciate what is really important about this vacation!! I am soooo excited!

I am very proud that I am basically all packed. I usually am guilty with waiting until the night before, but it is just too early of a wakeup call on Friday (not complaining lol) to be rushing around the night before.

My gym clothes and bars were packed first. Priorities.

Now I need to decide on a color for my nails. I love all of the Essie colors... I just need to decide on a pedicure color because I am getting a shellac French Manicure so it lasts! I usually always do a bright pink toe, but I cant decide!! I got these two new colors yesterday. "Play Date" and "Bikini So Teeny."

I really like the blue and the name is just so fitting for Aruba, but I don't know if it bright enough! My other option is "Bottle Service" which is a bright pink.

Decisions Decisions... any ideas? 

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