Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday Recap

Happy Monday! At least it is happy (somewhat) for me because I am on summer vacation. It was off to a cloudy start, but warmed up pretty nicely and the sun always helps. I had a KILLER spin class this morning so I am feeling it now!

Yesterday on the other had was not as nice. It was one of those dreary, rainy November feel like days. Gross. This was something interesting I saw on Twitter...

Instead of trying to figure out some of those reasons, I headed for the gym. Nothing running on the treadmill can't cure (temporarily). I ran 4.2 miles straight! I am really getting better at long distance running. For the longest time I was into interval sprints, but in preparation for my first 5k in a few weeks, I wanted to prepare. Now I just have to start getting outside more. I mentioned yesterday that I woke up with a blood sugar of 129. Luckily I didn't crash during my run. Afterward I was 181 which is slightly high so I took 1 unit of insulin to correct that. Then before my "bar time" I was....

 So that definitely put me in a good mood and I was able to enjoy my iced coffee and protein bar along with one of my favorite movies before heading to work. He's Just Not That Into You has become one of my absolute favorite movies thanks to my best friend Tanya! :) This movie hits all of those dating issues head on. Seriously, it really opened my eyes and always comforts me to watch it. My favorite scene is at the end when Alex goes to see Gigi to "return" the pen she left at the bar he works at. (Haha what a lame excuse, but whatever it takes!)

I was really on a roll with good numbers which made me feel good since lately I felt like they were crazy. Maybe blogging has helped that? Lol. Before heading to work I tested and....
The top device is my Dexcom sensor. I wear a small sensor on me and then carry the black receiver around. It helps me to see trends and reduce the amount of in between testing I need to do. The bottom is my meter which I use to prick my finger and get a reading. I needed to capture this moment with how close they both were.

Off to work I went. Sometimes it gets hard always inhaling the smell of fried goodness and seeing amazing desserts. Ugh the chocolate mousse cake gets me every time. Its probably a good thing that they aren't gluten free because having easy access to them would probably be dangerous. I would have to start doing a lot more spin classes!!

That's all for now! I'll catch ya later. If you are on Twitter feel free to follow me @KimAvelin or Instagram, KAvelin19.


  1. All that delicious food at the restaurant would def tempt me! That's awesome running so long!! I'm sure you will do great at the 5k.

    1. Thanks Ashley! It is difficult sometimes, but I know that if I really want to treat myself I have my options to go to.

  2. aww love you! <3 that movie is amazinggg

    1. Thanks for making me watch it even though we had to break it into two nights since I fell asleep at 9pm! lol xoxo
