Thursday, May 23, 2013

Throw Back Thursday - Growing up Type 1

So we come across another "tbt." As a request from my gym friend, Carolyn I thought I would throw it back to the adolescent years (yikes) and share some experiences growing up with T1D.

 I was diagnosed the summer going into the 6th grade so not only did I have a new school to worry about, but this new diagnosis. Looking back on it I think I feel more nervous now reflecting on it than I did living in the moment. I never asked "why me" I just kind of accepted it and incorporated testing my blood and taking insulin into my daily routine. Although I would have rather never been diagnosed to begin with, having T1D made me a more sensitive person, especially towards other people's feelings. I was never bullied or anything like that, the worst I dealt with were the ignorant comments (from people of all ages, not just my peers).  Being asked if I got this because I ate too much sugar, was fat before, etc. the list goes on and on. (I will do a post about the dumb things people say to T1D's). Even my teachers at times made me feel badly. A lot of times I was singled out during class when "treats" were being had for birthdays or other celebrations. Being told "Oh no you can't have this" or "I don't want to have to give you mouth to mouth if you pass out." Like seriously?! Or bringing in cookies for everyone else and a sugar free sucking candy for me. Call me crazy, but shouldn't teachers think about their actions beforehand? Isn't that what they tell their students? I am sure these things weren't said or done maliciously, but I mean COME ON. My advice is to educate teachers. Not just to notify them that they have a T1D in the class, but reassure them that you are like everyone else and want to be treated that way!

The best part of adolescence and having T1D was the school nurse connections. It almost makes you feel like God when you get to walk into the nurse's office and not have to sign in or wait in a line of people who are there to get their temperature taken when all they need is a band-aid. LOL :)

As far as control, I felt like back in the early stages it was "easier" and I always had the perfect blood sugar. These days I experience more of the unexplained highs/lows which gets extremely frustrating. Thinking back I do not remember going through anything too crazy as far as growing up and dealing with T1D. Like anything else I had good days and bad days.  Over the years you learn different tricks to manage based on what works for you. A great family support system helps also! (Thanks :) ) Although I had 11 years without having to test my blood, take insulin and basically learn walk on a balance beam I do not remember much from those days. By now what I have to do is just second nature. Hopefully one day we can all say that we USED to have to do all of these things, but I always try and tell myself that it can always be worse.

So as I said earlier, I have become a more sensitive person and learned to think before I act in various situations. (However even before having T1D I was raised to not say stupid things "props" to mom and dad).


  1. The rude teacher comments remind me of dr. pirich!

  2. Kim, Thanks. I have read all of your blogs so far and I am a big fan. You seem to have amazing control of your levels! I am sure the exercise helps. I was really looking forward to there being no more snacks and parties next year in middle school. what a bummer! I am sure that every kid with a summer birthday will want to celebrate this month!

    1. Aww thanks! It seems that way this week lol. Its funny, all different exercise does something different. Like studio sampler, no matter what I do I always go high. Before class today was 162 after went to 247! I think the high intensity stuff has that affect.
      It may have changed since I was in middle school. The biggest thing that helped me was just fitting in like everyone else and not being singled out. Just doing what I had to do and enjoying with the rest of the class without bringing attention :) Good luck!
