Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Checking in from ONe Happy Island

Bon dia! So far Aruba is greaaattt. I figured I would make a quick post to share some pictures and see how I am doing with my "Aruba Goals." 

I am proud to say that I have been doing really well as far as enjoying with self control. Breakfast has been tamed and I have always left satisfied and not stuffed. I have been switching up my lunches and trying new things! 

Dinners have been good for the most part. I am saving my splurges and desserts for my favorite restaurants. I have been pacing myself throughout the time and I am feeling great. 

My blood sugars have actually been really good! I am not spiking after breakfast and starting to learn what works. No big swings either! The biggest "issue" was this... 

After pool volleyball. It always seems that swimming will do that. I guess since you don't realize how hard your body actually works in the pool because you don't sweat. Since my numbers have been pretty good I guess I should just stay here. :) 

Yesterday I tried paddle boarding! Great workout. 

The weather has been beautiful and my tan is well under way. It's so nice to be back at my second home! 

I could get used to this view! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

D Day

Ten years ago today I was admitted into the hospital. After about a month of going to the bathroom what felt like every 30mins and being excessively thirsty it was time to go to the doctor. I thought I would be told either A: there is nothing wrong and I am making something out of nothing or B: I had a urinary tract infection. 

Instead I was told that I had Type 1 Diabetes and needed to go to the hospital. A lot different than what I had expected. 

My first thought was of my grandfather who was a T2D and at the time. I would often help him test his blood sugar and read his numbers. The thought of what he had to do didn't bother me, but then I realized I would be doing this to myself. 

After 5 days in the hospital with an overwhelming amount of information, new doctors, counting carbs, insulin injections and so much more I was released and now going to handle this all on my own (with family support of course).

I will admit it has only gotten harder and more frustrating, but I try and make the best of each day.  In the beginning achieving perfect a1cs seemed like a piece of cake and I easily adapted to my new lifestyle. There is no "good" time to be diagnosed with T1D and obviously I would never ask nor wish it on another, but at least it was a time where habits were still being developed. I was still fairly young. Being diagnosed later in life I can understand how it would be more difficult to change/adjust. 

It is crazy to think that it has been 10 years. The highs and the lows have only made me stronger and hopefully in 10 years from now I can look back and say that I used to have T1D. It would be nice to think I'll see a cure in my lifetime... 

At least the best way to "celebrate" my Dia-versary (if you want to call it that) will be heading to Aruba tomorrow!! 

Talk to you all from One Happy Island. :) 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aruba Goals

In 48 hours I will be sitting under the sun on Palm Beach, Aruba. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I look forward to Aruba all year so it is crazy to think that it is here again. With that said I have a few goals for this vacation and by writing about them hopefully I will stick to them.

1. Enjoy myself with some self control. For the most part I am a healthy eater, but as we all know I do like to eat. With all of the great food and tropical drinks I want to be able to get my fix, but I don't want to go crazy either and then feel guilty for going overboard. It is difficult when each day begins with the best buffet breakfast in the world! What I need to do is remind myself that it is not going to be the last time that will I see all of these great things. With that said here are some things I am going to do so I do not go overboard:

  • Make ONE and only ONE trip to the buffet for breakfast and make wise choices. I don't need bacon and sausage everyday I am there. I will take advantage and enjoy the healthier choices available.
  • Switch up lunch. I usually stick to salads, but this year I am going to rotate. Salads, fruit smoothies and frozen yogurt. There is a juice bar at the hotel and it is actually healthy! Not like jamba juice or tropical smoothie or anything. They are normal sizes and very filling. The drinks all have the cutest names. My favorites include the Berry Blast, Bernardo's Blend and Nube's Nirvana. By having a small frozen yogurt I will probably wind up consuming less calories than the huge salads. This will allow me to get all different goodies in and not feel deprived.
  • Obviously Bar Time will remain in tact. So happy the Hyatt serves Starbucks. :)
  • Dinner I will work harder on eating slower and really enjoying my time in Aruba, the ambiance and the company. I have come a long way with saying no to dessert all of the time so I don't think that will be an issue. I am definitely going to treat myself, but like I said, with self control.
  • Fortunately for me I am not a big drinker so this isn't an issue for me. It is nice to have a glass of wine with dinner and the Caribbean wouldn't be the same without pina coladas, banana daiquiris and of course aruba aribas. These will all definitely be worked into my vacation!
2. Not stress over blood sugars. Unfortunately there are no vacations from T1D. As much as I would like to take my "2 weeks" vacation, I know that is just not possible. I will obviously stay on top of it and be diligent like always, but I am not going to stress. I have everything I need to battle and after the first few days I will adjust to how the new environment and food will affect me.

3. Not go to the gym everyday. I have been asked so many times... "Why do you workout on vacation?!" The answer is because I enjoy to. Vacations are meant for things you there is your answer. However I am not going to force myself into a regimented schedule. If I want to skip a day inside the gym, I will! Instead I will go for a walk on the beach. To make my gym time the most effective I have saved a bunch of my circuit workouts that I will use. Tabata will be my best friend over these 12 days! My nutritionist, Barbie gave me some great advice. She said if you are feeling like you are eating a little more, then move a little more. Taking the steps, walking the beaches and walking around after dinner are all ways to do this.

4. RELAX!!!  I know I just made a list of goals and it may sound contradicting to "relax" and reach goals, but it will help me to appreciate what is really important about this vacation!! I am soooo excited!

I am very proud that I am basically all packed. I usually am guilty with waiting until the night before, but it is just too early of a wakeup call on Friday (not complaining lol) to be rushing around the night before.

My gym clothes and bars were packed first. Priorities.

Now I need to decide on a color for my nails. I love all of the Essie colors... I just need to decide on a pedicure color because I am getting a shellac French Manicure so it lasts! I usually always do a bright pink toe, but I cant decide!! I got these two new colors yesterday. "Play Date" and "Bikini So Teeny."

I really like the blue and the name is just so fitting for Aruba, but I don't know if it bright enough! My other option is "Bottle Service" which is a bright pink.

Decisions Decisions... any ideas? 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Low, Low, Low...

And not wearing apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur. As I am in my gym clothes in my car waiting for my blood sugar to come up. 

Today seems to be off to a low start (pun intended). The past few nights I have been waking up in the middle of the night with a low BS, usually around 60. So last night I decreased my nighttime insulin, lantus by 1 unit. Lantus is long acting which is meant to keep me stable during the night, except if you take too much or too little. I went to sleep at 178 which is a tad out of range but since I had been dropping I decided to leave it and not take any short acting. 

Oh well didn't work! 330am my inside low BS alarm sounded and it was time for juice and crackers bedside. Ugh I HaTe eating in the middle of the night. 

Breakfast, 188. Take my normal insulin, get ready for the gym, drop to 103. UGH 

I decided to have a Greek yogurt with granola and I am still waiting. As you can see just a prime example of how unpredictable t1D is. I am usually half way through my workout by now. Not today. Even more frustrating is eating extra when I do not want to because I just ate! 

Finally some relief.... 

Hopefully I can do the intense workout I had planned on today. Aruba in 3 days.. No slacking! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

When a "Joke" Crosses The Line

Today I saw something that was the inspiration for this post. On Facebook I am a member of the "I Hate Diabetes (Type 1)" group. It is nice to read posts from people that experience the same things I do. It reminds me that although sometimes I feel like the only person dealing with things related to T1D, there are so many others that can relate. Here is the post that caught my eye...

How true is this? There have been SO MANY times that I have experienced people say the stupidest things and make a joke out of "diabetes." For example, people "hash tagging" a sugary drink, candy, ice cream, etc. as #diabetes. Or a joking math problem along the lines of "Johnny has 3 cupcakes, 1 cookie and a hershey bar.. what does Johnny have? DIABETES, Johnny has Diabetes." Ok lets get one thing straight... DRINKING/EATING SOMETHING WITH SUGAR IS NOT, I REPEAT NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU DIABETES. First of all, Type 1 is an auto-immune disease. There is nothing people with T1D can do or could have done to avoid getting it. Although I lived 11 years without it, eventually it was going to happen since it was in my gene makeup. As for type 2, yes lifestyle can be a factor... and yes there are cases of people who are "pre-diabetes" and can avoid being fully diagnosed by changing their lifestyle. However I still do not know everything about type 2 and therefore not going to go any further as I wouldn't want someone making uneducated statements about T1D.

Really though, when you think about it, do you hear people making jokes about other diseases? Cancer jokes? MS? Cystic Fibrosis? I don't think so. And if someone did, it would be safe to say that that person is just plain old mean. So why is it ok for people to so easily pass out diabetes related "jokes?" 
Really? Since when does having diabetes mean I cannot have chocolate? All I have to do is take insulin whereas the ignorant person who made this' pancreas does it for them. They clearly know what they are talking about.
Those of us that live with T1D have our "meme's" and laughs to get us through. There are some diabetic made memes that actually make sense because it covers the emotions we feel with humor. Diabetes is really hard sometimes, but there is nothing wrong with a little humor to look on the bright side.
Here are a few...

As I said earlier, you would never make a joke about other diseases, so don't make diabetes related jokes. It is not your place and you just look stupid and ignorant at the same time. 

Feel free to share. It won't hurt passing this along and having people think twice before they speak. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Solo Saturday and a Blog Makeover

So what do you think of the new look and name? A little change can be a good thing. 

Yesterday was spent mostly by myself. I'm not complaining though, sometimes it is nice to have some alone time. Here is how it went.

Started out with yes you name it, breakfast and the gym. I have been on a new breakfast kick for a few weeks now... scrambled egg whites instead of omelets. Sometimes I add in a piece of Colby Jack cheese for a little kick.

Spin, abs and arms and my morning at the gym was complete. I was looking forward to spending the afternoon by the pool and get some sun, but of course the clouds rolled in just as I headed outside. SO ANNOYING. However it was nice to sit outside for a few hours with mom and dad. I caught up on my latest read.

I was in the mood for a good romance, so Nicholas Sparks is always the way to go. Hopefully I will finish this before Aruba.
Dinner I decided to try a Panera salad that I saw Ashley post about a few times. I am not a big visitor of Panera, but the Chicken Cobb Salad looked really good so I figured it was worth a try.
I have to admit I was a bit concerned when I brought it home. 

At first glance it looked a little wimpy, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was the perfect size and tasted great! The avocado hit the spot! I always opt for no hard boiled egg, just something about them... ehh..and of course dressing on the side.

I wish my cousins Mimi and Tom were closer or I was with them in Naples for the evening. They make great babysitters. :) 

The rest of my Saturday night consisted of Spinning profiles ( they are so tricky to perfect!) a trip to TJ Maxx and Barnes N Noble. I am so cool, I know.

I am on the hunt for a big floppy hat for Aruba, but TJ Maxx had absolutely nothing. I browsed the racks to get some exercise in (every little bit helps!), but was out of there soon after the rowdy, untamed screaming children began taking over. UGH.

As I made my way into B&N, a rather interesting looking woman standing outside began telling me how nice the sunset looked and asked my opinion on it. That's when I went inside.

Looking for my Aruba read, Big Girl Panties by Stephanie Evanovich.

 I read about it in Fitness Magazine and it seemed like a perfect read for me. An overweight widow meets personal trainer on a flight, the two begin talking, he takes her on as his client and the two begin some crazy relationship. I can't wait to start it.

I couldn't leave B&N without getting something from Starbucks. So I went home and spent the rest of the evening with a bonus bar time treat and one of my favorite movies...

                     Poor Carrie :(

Anyway it is off to the gym and work later. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! 


Friday, August 9, 2013

Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Happy Friday! One week until ....
So I thought it would be appropriate to do a workout related post.
Since Sunday's BBQ I have really been stepping it up and trying to add in some different techniques to maximize my workouts. For my birthday I received a Polar heart rate monitor watch. It has been helpful to wear to see how different exercises play with my heart rate. It is cool to see it jump when I push myself just a little bit harder.
Sunday started by running 4 miles then a crazy leg workout that had me SOAKED. On Monday and Wednesday of this week I went to my usual spin classes. Afterward I did an extra 20 minutes on the treadmill and abs. Also both days I did a minute of bosu ball burpees. INSANE!! I love burpees and hate them at the same time. I read that they boost your metabolism the remainder of the day so in the end they are worth it. I love this meme that my friend Ashley shared with me last summer.
Thursday was my double class day. Angela teaches great classes! The first is a step/kickboxing/weight class.  I was loving the 70's themed music.

The second is a standard weight training class. I love that one because it gives me ideas on how to weight train on my own. Many people (women especially) "fear" weight training because they think they will get bulky/manly looking, but that is not true! It is so important and actually burns more calories the rest of the day than running for 30 mins straight.
By 12pm on Thursdays after 2 solid hours I am ready for a nap!
Today was spent doing treadmill intervals, abs and yoga. Also before heading to yoga I tried a new machine. The stair master...
It was nice to switch it up and I also got a whole other view of the gym from being up so high.
I look forward to really pushing it this next week. Another tip that has been motivating me is the idea of visualization. For me it has been walking the beaches of Aruba. During runs I imagine myself crossing the finish line of a race. My favorite expression is being "uncomfortably comfortable." In other words, giving myself that extra push. Getting out of my comfort zone, but not killing myself at the gym. I know I cant run 10 miles straight at this point and trying to do that straight right now would be dumb and unsafe. Instead I will tell myself to pick up the pace for the next 5 minutes, go for 3 extra reps, etc. Realistic pushes that get me out of my comfort zone.

I hope this motivated you to get to the gym! :) 

A snap of my healthy dinner from last night. Salmon, sweet potato and carrots. 


Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Passed!

It is official! Say hello to your newest Spinning Instructor! :)

I passed my online exam and now I can begin teaching classes. The next part is getting out there! I hope to teach one soon. I have a few profiles made already that will hopefully leave everyone sweaty. Hopefully I can get some tips from my own instructors Erin and Joanne. :)

After a great spin class in the morning, my afternoon consisted of some errands, bar time and dinner with my friend from school, Corine.

I am not a huge movie person, but two of my favorites happened to be on tv yesterday.
I like the original one better (Macy's), but this one still has some pretty good scenes. I don't care what time of the year it is, I can always watch a Christmas movie.
I love the part where Santa Claus wins the trial and everyone is screaming in the streets, that would definitely be me. :)
After dinner, Grease was on AMC. Two movies in one day for me? That must be a record.
Yep, pretty much sums it up!

Pretty good Wednesday I'd say. Countdown to Aruba is at 8. Can't wait to be back on one happy island! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

On The Go

That was my day yesterday. Up at 645 and out the door by 7:45 for doctors appointments, errands, bar time and my CPR cert. class. 

Endocrinologist. Ugh.

 Always stressful but I was proud that I finally told myself it is what it is and wasn't worth tears. It wasn't what I had hoped it would be, but that doesn't mean I am not taking care of myself. I work out, eat right, test my blood sugar regularly and take insulin. There is nothing more I can do. 

T1D is so unpredictable which sometimes leaves me feeling really defeated. I am trying so hard to lower my a1c, but it is so difficult for me. As I have mentioned in the past, what can work one day is not guaranteed to work the next. Anything and everything can affect your blood sugar. But like I said, I do MY BEST and that's all I can do. ( Thanks Mom ) <3

So I will continue to try. After I return from Aruba I am going to try another another form of insulin that my doctor recommended to avoid spikes, it is called Symlin. Hopefully it will help. It will take some patience to adjust the dose, but I am willing to try anything! 

The rest of the day flew by. Stops included White House Black Market, Piccola Bussola for lunch, Kohls, Macy's and the food store! 

At Macy's there are these cute bracelets with happy sayings. I got these a few months ago.. 

I think it would be great to make them for men to wear. I can think of so many sayings that they can wear on their wrists! Can you? 

Dinner was a salad with grilled chicken. I have been doing better since Sundays BBQ (Aruba Aruba Aruba). 

It was on to my 3 hour CPR cert class that I need for my spin instructor cert. I was certified back in high school but it has expired since then. It was a really interesting class and always good to know. Hopefully I will never have to use it. Compressions, breaths, AED, choking on adults, children and infants and 3 hours later I was given this... 

Yay! Now I can go take my online Spin exam and I will be your newest instructor! :) 

Monday, August 5, 2013

A New Day

And I am going full fledged healthy, seriously. This weekend was not very healthy and now it's time to get back on track. Although I did have some really good workouts, I am disappointed that my will power was MIA. 

Yesterday was a great day for a BBQ after Saturday turned out to be not so good. The house was stocked with LOTS of goodies. Sometimes all of that food can be really overwhelming. I was proud that I didn't pig out on chips and dip the entire afternoon before we even began to BBQ. Instead, I planted myself near the vegetable platter. 

It was great to spend the afternoon with my twin/best friend Tanya! 

BBQ time: Hot Dogs, hamburgers, sausage, salads, you name it.. It was there. I really am trying to focus on the positive and not dwell on all of the food. Instead focus on the healthier decisions I made during the day. I had a turkey burger instead of a regular burger, avoided the potato salad and only took a small bite of the sausage. Luckily, JT (Tanya's Bf) helped me out and ate the rest! Yes I did have a hot dog, but it was only my second one the whole summer and probably my last for awhile. 

Dessert: My absolute weakness. Mom was nice enough to take a trip to Bare Naked Bakery to pick up a few things (aka the whole store). 4 cupcakes, 2 donuts, 2 rainbow cookies, 6 fresh chocolate chip cookies, and a whole bag of packaged chocolate chips. 


I knew I wouldn't be able to stop at just one cookie (who can?) so I let myself indulge in those. For the rest I took a small bite of the cupcake and donut and left them. 

Yeah!! A little will power, maybe? Still I have done better. : ( 

I happily gave the rest of the items away. 

Now it's back on track. I really really really want to be good so when Aruba comes, I will be able to enjoy. Although I am making a list of goals for myself to not go crazy in Aruba. So stay tuned for that. 

Today has been a great fresh start and I hope to keep it up. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Making It Happen

Happy Thursday! Or "Thirsty Thursday" as people call it... Water right? ;) LOL

Time is just flying by I cannot believe it is August 1. That means Aruba is right around the corner!! So I am really trying to get ready for that and work it at the gym. 

Tuesday was a busy day as my mom and I were heading into NYC on a 10:04 am train to meet my good friend Nicole, her sister Joanna and mom Martha for lunch. Nicole and I met at 3 years old during our dance days in Staten Island. We always try and get together during our winter and summer breaks. 

In order to get a workout in it meant setting the alarm for 5:45 and getting in and out of the gym for a quick yet efficient workout. That means interval training! I resorted to treadmill intervals for 25 mins and one of my Pinterest Tabata workouts. 

I ran through this 3x and called it a morning. Quick, but just as sweaty. 

I was proud I didn't make catching the train an excuse to not workout. I knew my lunch would be a little splurge so I wanted to go the extra step. 

We all met at The Counter in Times Square. Remember the one from Naples? So good! 

It was great catching up. Nicole has a blog too so it is fun to keep tabs on each other and discuss everything from our old dance days to our love for Lauren Conrad and The Hills. :) 

We parted ways and mom and I walked down to Macy's. I was glad to get some extra walking in, every little but helps! 

                   I can't wait! 

After about 2 hours we called it a day and caught the 3:27. Luckily, for my sake and the rest of the train, Penn Station has a Starbucks which meant it was perfect for bar time. :) 

As you can see, it is all about making it happen. Workouts, friendships, etc... Anything that is important to you means sometimes taking the extra step.