Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend included the following:

1. I got offered my own spin class at a local gym!! I am sooo excited. Wednesday mornings at 5:45am. I love the early classes and it is two minutes from my house so my spinning journey is falling into place! Stay tuned for my first class post. 

2. The pool was closed. Summer is over. 

So sad. I can't believe it is getting cooler out and summer is over. The weather this summer wasn't even that good! 

3. My favorite store "re-gramed" one of my pictures. 

4. I met Adam Schefter from ESPN at work. I had no idea who he was, but hey why not get a picture? Lol 

5. Dazies :) 

6. Thinkthin is sharing my idea. 

7. Homework 

8. I started my new Symlin pen in addition to my usual humalog and lantus injections. Hopefully after I figure out the right combo I will start seeing some positive changes. 

9. I got a cold. :( 

1 comment:

  1. Feel better, colds stinks! That's so awesome they re-gramed one of your pics! I've only been to that store once since it's not in any malls closer to me. My mom's bf's nephew works there!
