Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Genetics? No, Just Hard Work.

In honor of Transformation Tuesday, I'd thought I'd share what happened yesterday during my UFX Burn class.

It is a small group and all of us early gym goers are friendly with one another. I am usually the youngest in the class so I guess I am the one to be teased, I don't mind I know they mean no harm and in a way it's kind of flattering.

One woman stated how in her next life she'd like to come back in my body. They continued to make comments about my physique which, again was very flattering. It wasn't until one person stated "It must be a genetic thing right?" To which I replied "No, it is just called hard work." 

Although there are days where I feel "fat" (like most people that have bad days), I would like to think I am pretty fit, and I take pride in physically and sometimes grueling activities. I didn't just "get" a fit body. I work hard for it. I wake up at 5am and work through the highs and lows to make it happen. No one forces me to do it, I do it because I want the benefits. I fit my workouts in and make them the most effective. 

I wasn't always as fit I as am now. I have gotten slimmer within the past 3 years as I really started paying attention to what I put into my body and changing up my workouts.

After saying that it was hard work, one woman said "good for you!" Which made me feel really good. Especially because the majority of people do not understand just how hard I really try especially having T1D. If I can do it, you can do it... You just have to WANT to do it. 

Other than that this was my post workout  burn:

Not bad for a Monday morning! 

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