Monday, July 22, 2013

What's in my bag?

I thought this would be a good post so people can understand why my bags are as heavy as they are. Living with T1D it is important and necessary to always be prepared to leave the house. There are no "quick trips" up to the corner to pick something up. Although that trip may be "quick" a low blood sugar can happen in that short amount of time. If I were to need to treat a low I may not be back in time. Therefore a T1D female usually has humongous bags...

My new JLO bag I got in Florida! 

Normal people's stuff.. 

Can't leave home without this.. 

Juice in case of a low, the bigger the better to be prepared for a full day out. 

Crackers to have after juice during a low..

In case of an emergency bar time..

Glucose tablets.. Can be used in place of juice, but always better to have both. 

Dexcom sensor

My bag sizes on average..

So true..

There is no such thing as only having just a wristlet. 

So next time you happen to come across someone that has an unusually heavy bag, avoid saying "Jesus Christ what do you have dumb bells in there?!" And maybe think twice. 


  1. I never realized how much stuff you need just in case of low blood sugar. It makes sense to always be prepared. My bags are always so heavy no matter what. Most of what's in mine is just junk anyway lol.

    1. Haha it probably isn't junk, but I know what you mean..always safe to have what you think you will need instead of not bringing it and then wind up needing it.
